Okay Guys!

As many of you might already know we are having our next round of

Pen & Paper
for everyone

at the

on the

24th of February

starting from 2pm

Who can join and what will be the playing language?
People of any age and gender are welcome.
We speak German and English.

Never played a Pen & Paper game? Sounds complicated and nerdy?
Don’t be afraid – we will be using a very simple rules system called Shadowdark which is easy to learn und fun to play! Besides we will explain everything so anyone can join and is welcome!

You can also take a peek at the rules beforehand here:

You still have a Shadowdark character from our previous event?
You will be rewarded!
Bring it, level up and continue your quest!

What will be the playing style this time?
This time we will play in two teams which will enter the same dungeon at different locations. The goal of the game will be to collect more gold than the other team. The team which collected the most gold at the end of game time wins and wins a prize…

Anything else I need to know?
As mentioned above we will provide prizes for the winning team and little awards for single players. We will also provide character sheets and everybody will get his own unique team button.

team buttons this time

To cover the material costs and the costs for the prizes we will charge 5€ per player.

How can I join?
There are limited spots available so you need to sign up via email.
To do so drop me a short line here:

Hope to see you on the 24th and happy receiving your mails.